What is it about cheese? It's curdled milk and mold. Who came along and decided that was a good idea for food?? I wonder if cheese was somehow discovered by accident. Perhaps by a starving peasant or serf rumaging through thrown out leftovers, stumbling upon a gold mine: moldy, old milk curds--yummy.
But I have to admit: I love cheese. It is so incredibly delicious. Grated, sliced, crumbled, melted . . . in everyway prepared, it is delicious. My dad would eat it blocks at a time. I remember the feud growing up--always trying to keep dad out of the cheese. My mom would grate a huge plate full to use in a recipe and I would sneak a pinch when she wasn't looking. Unfortunately a pinch would turn into two or three or four pinches, and soon she would begin to notice that her grated mountain was quickly becoming a mound! Out of the kitchen, I was ordered!
There are so many different varities of cheese, but I have to say that my all time favorite is good old-fashioned American cheddar, preferably sharp. That tangy orange stuff has the best flavor (from the Cracker Barrel--man, oh man!). All I need is a Ritz to stack in on, and I'm transported to cheese heaven.
Lactose intolerance--stay far, far away!
Ah, cheese battles. How many ways can you hide cheese in the fridge? There are many if you're creative. I have to agree, cheese is good.
Where would the food world be without cheese? Cheetos would only be 'tos,' cheeseburgers would only be 'bugers,' pizza would only be saucy bread, and life would be sad.
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